my pits

These two dogs are my life and world. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't come home to them evweyday . They brighten my dayweveryday just by the kisses they give me. These two dogs are the most loyal and respectful dogs I know.
These two dogs are my life and world. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't come home to them evweyday . They brighten my dayweveryday just by the kisses they give me. These two dogs are the most loyal and respectful dogs I know.
This dog is the most loyal dog I have ever owned he means the world to me. Ever since I have owned him he has changed my look on many pit bulls. I have came to love them very much pit bulls are not a mean breed. All pitbulls attitudes are determined by the way they are raised.
Broc was missing for 1yr and 6mths , and I found him at the county pound, came in on April 2013 adopted on May 1 by unknown party and back in horrible condition on May 21, 2013, back to me on May 22, 2013 after just browsing the pound online adoption page, share my store…
If you keep up on the news at all, you’re probably aware that pit bulls have been depicted by the media as blood-thirsty killers, and largely because of stereotypes, have been the target of some communities’ breed specific legislation. The breed has supporters as tenacious as its reputation, and some of these supporters are fighting the stereotypes and bans in a way that I believe will be effective, and also healthier for the pit bulls.
What are these pit bull advocates doing? They are encouraging obedience training. In my local community, a pit bull rescue group has begun offering training for the families who adopt one of their dogs.The owners learn about dog behavior, and they develop better relationships with their new family members. The pit bulls thrive on the positive attention, and they thrive on being given a job to do, a job that is not only active, but that also uses their minds.
This is just my opinion, but when I’ve talked with various camps of dog people over the years, I’d be struck by one thing. People who get herding breeds usually understand they need to give their dogs plenty of training and exercise, or the dogs will behave poorly, and can become destructive and neurotic.
People who got pit bulls, however, often seemed to think they didn’t need to work with their dogs. They usually had little interest in dog sports. Pit bulls are energetic and intelligent, making this belief a recipe for disaster. I’m relieved to see that the tide is turning, and that opportunities are being provided for pit bulls to get the training they need, that almost any dog needs, to fit in with our society.
Over the years, my opinions about pit bulls have evolved. Years ago, when the media started to tarnish the breed’s reputation, I didn’t know any different. I mistakenly thought pit bulls were naturally aggressive to humans. As I learned more, I learned that they were supposed to be bred to be very non-aggressive with people, and for awhile, they were considered America’s nanny dog.
Also, over the years, I became better educated about dog behavior and training, so I better understand the influence good homes can have on dogs. I’ve had dog-reactive dogs, and I have learned how to manage them so that they aren’t a danger to other people’s pets. I realize not everyone has that background.
I’m still puzzled though, by people who hate pit bulls in way that seems, quite honestly, unbalanced. An article on the Stubby Dog website by Ms. Telemansic provides some insight into that.
She explores the relationship that fear and negativity can have on people’s outlook. Taking a negative perspective can become a habit, as can taking a positive perspective. She also discusses the tendency some people have to be driven by retribution, rather than resolution, and how this can affect how they relate to the world.
I hope this article makes it out to a wider audience, an audience who might be genuinely afraid of pit bulls, or who might feel revengeful for any imagined wrongs done be a member of the breed.
Mindless revenge against an entire breed won’t solve any problems. Thoughtfully thinking through situations and formulating resolutions can.
Pit bulls have a reputation for being tenacious, and at times this reputation is held against them. At other times, a pit bull’s refusal to give up is nothing short of inspiring. Today, I stumbled across one such story, featuring a pit bull puppy named London.
In a tragic fall of three stories, London’s front legs were badly broken, and the pavement on which he fell was so hot he was also burned. For whatever reason, his owners did not seek any medical treatment for over a month. By that time, veterinary staff felt the best option was to amputate his two front legs.
In true pit bull style, however, London is not letting the lack of front legs stop him. He’s still his playful puppy self, and the rescue group that is now taking care of him hopes to place him in a loving home soon. As heartbreaking as it is to think of London suffering from his injuries for a month without treatment, it is also inspiring to think of the good people who helped him, and who donated time, money and expertise to his treatment and care.
It certainly would have been easy to say that London was injured too badly to save. I’m sure many people would have understood that decision. There are many other dogs, healthy ones, too, who need help, and there are not enough resources to help them all. Yet, I’m glad London was saved. For many pit bull lovers, he symbolizes what they love so much about this breed, and they are gratified that a badly injured pit bull was saved.
Last week, I posted an uplifting story of a pit bull named Ember who was rescued by fire fighters, and she then became the fire station’s mascot. Those types of stories, with fairy tale endings, are all too rare. I cherish each one that I read.
Sadly, this week’s story is more common. Once again, pit bull lovers, and those who loves justice, were dealt a blow when three pit bulls were ordered to be killed. What was their crime? Surely, any reasonable person would think that the dogs must have attacked and killed a person unprovoked.
However, that is far from the case. From the news reports I’ve read, their only crime was being the victims, not the perpetrators, of an attack by an unleashed dog. Seemingly, because they were pit bulls, being a victim of an attack is a crime worthy of the death penalty.
More disturbingly, two of the dogs are NSAR emotional support dogs, which indicates they have a certain amount of training and temperament testing. Their senseless killing would be a devastating blow to anyone who has a beloved dog as a family member. How much more debilitating would that blow be to someone who needs emotional support?
I cannot imagine the feelings of grief and outrage the owner of these three dogs must feel. I believe he will continue to fight for some justice for their deaths, and I can only hope that the injustice of this case opens the eyes of people who would willing kill innocent dogs merely because of their breed.
The news is full of tragedy and heart-breaking stories of neglect and cruelty. Pit bull-type dogs seem to be frequent target of sick individuals who enjoy torturing animals. Thankfully, on occasion a story is reported that breaks that mold. In a heartwarming news account, an American Staffordshire Terrier, a breed often characterized as a pit bull type, was rescued by firefighters, and given a home.
The dog, who has been named Ember, was spotted chained, and muzzled, to a tree without food or water. The situation was reported to the Haines City, Florida fire department, and a couple of fire fighters went to rescue her. Ember jumped in the fire department’s truck, and apparently jumped in the fire fighters’ hearts as well, because she now lives at the fire station.
We can only speculate the neglect and abuse Ember endured in her past, yet she has left that all behind her. From the news reports, Ember has become a calm and quiet member of the team. She follows a routine of getting fresh-baked treats, soaking up sunshine and she has a couple of favorites among the members of the fire fighters.
Had the firemen turned Ember over to local animal control, she likely would have been put down simply because of her breed and size. Thankfully, the department chose to keep her. The fire fighters contribute to cover the cost of food, supplies and veterinary care for their station’s mascot. In return, Ember helps keep the fire fighters relaxed and happy.
Most dog lovers know the ups and downs, intense love and intense heartbreak we experience in our lives with our furry loved ones. We love them so much, and yet as hard as we may try, we can’t protect them from every disease, or accident, or from old age. This week, the story of Wallace the Pit Bull, and his family, really brought that reality home to me.
Although I don’t know Wallace or his family all that well, I have met them. I’ve been impressed with Wallace’s disc dog skills, and with his family’s character. I was interested to learn that author Jim Gorant was writing a book about Wallace. It was fun to see that the book was recently released, and it has done very well. I’ve just gotten an eBook version myself, and while I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, I’m looking forward to it.
The book release is such an exciting time for his family. It’s also exciting for other pit bull advocates who appreciate the work Wallace and his people have done to rehabilitate the breed’s reputation. This excitement has turned to anxiety and sadness though. Wallace, shortly after the book’s release, needed emergency surgery to remove a spleen tumor. I wasn’t certain he’d make it through the surgery, yet he did, and his many fans continue to hope for a full recovery.
Although Wallace’s story is more dramatic than many, it still reminds us how fragile and short dogs’ lives can be. The joy we feel today may be counterbalanced by grief tomorrow, yet knowing that makes the joy feel all the sweeter.
It’s the summer Olympics, and many ardent dog lovers take some time to enjoy the pageantry and watch some of the sports. Man’s best friend, however, is usually relegated to a position cuddling on the coach, and is rarely directly involved in the spectacle. This year, however, dog lovers were treated to seeing not only the Queen’s Corgis, but also some very special rescue dogs.
Britain’s rescue dogs, those who live in Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, had a moment to shine as several assisted with the iconic Olympic Torch ceremony recently. Apparently, pit bulls are banned in the UK, and another breed has replaced pit bulls as the dog breed with a bad reputation. That breed is the Staffordshire Terrier, which is sometimes mistakenly believed to be a pit bull-type dog.
It’s heartwarming that the Olympic Torch Relay organizers chose to spotlight this large rescue facility and its rescue animals. In turn, shelter staff chose to spotlight the Staffordshire Terrier breed. These dogs make up a large proportion of those surrendered, and because of public perceptions, many people hesitate to adopt them.
The Battersea Dogs and Cats Home has a program to highlight the softer side of Staffies, and the relay was a perfect vehicle to showcase this trait. One lucky Staffie, a beautiful white and black dog named Rory, ran with famed British footballer and dog-lover, Michael Owen. Mr. Owen himself owns Staffordshire Terriers, so he was a great representative.
The dogs have attracted attention to the rescue; let’s hope that translates into more of these handsome dogs finding loving homes forever.